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OnePosCloud - Contact us

How can we help you?

Tell us about your company, your objectives, and your needs. Fill in as many fields as possible so that our response can better match your needs.

I Am a Retailer

Shop, Restaurant, Market…

I Am a Reseller

Software supplier, management, fiscal meters…

Descriptive data:
Activity sector

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Dear visitor

You are hereby informed that the personal data submitted by you to Supertronic Srl using the electronic form on the Internet portal www.oneposcloud.it will be used for the purpose of replying to queries from you and for sending information of commercial interest, or regarding product updates and events. Personal identification and contact data are collected. Provision of personal data is optional. Refusal to provide such data will make it impossible to reply to you, and failure to express your consent by ticking the relevant flag will make it impossible to send you communications regarding product sales and updates or events. The collected data is processed electronically by authorized Supertronic personnel and it is protected against illicit or unauthorized access, theft, loss, or destruction by adequate security measures compliant with the regulations in force, up until the time of its elimination. The data is stored in the website management database and in network folders located in the Milano Retelit data centre and the Google data centre that provides the G Suite service. Your personal data acquired through compilation of the electronic form indicated above will be erased whenever you request the same by writing to the e-mail address privacy@supertronic.it, or to the street address provided below. Your data may be erased before expressly requested by you when the obligatory legal time limit for conservation of said data expires. As provided for in Art. 13 of the GDPR (EU) 2016/679, you are an interested party and entitled to request Supertronic for access to your personal data, rectification or erasure of the same, or to restrict processing of the data. You are likewise entitled to object to the processing of data for which you previously expressed consent, request portability of the same, and submit complaints to the Personal Data Protection Authority. All the rights summarized above can be exercised by writing to the e-mail address: privacy@supertronic.it. We will ensure that you receive a prompt reply. The data controller is SUPERTRONIC at via San Giovanni Battista de la Salle 4, 20132 Milano, Italy; privacy@supertronic.it

Privacy consent *
Marketing consent

Descriptive data:

Type of company:
Activity sector of your customers

Is your customer's activity not included in our list? Enter it in the following field!

I am interested in:
I am interested in

Are you interested in other OnePosCloud features? Enter them in the following field!

Dear visitor

You are hereby informed that the personal data submitted by you to Supertronic Srl using the electronic form on the Internet portal www.oneposcloud.it will be used for the purpose of replying to queries from you and for sending information of commercial interest, or regarding product updates and events. Personal identification and contact data are collected. Provision of personal data is optional. Refusal to provide such data will make it impossible to reply to you, and failure to express your consent by ticking the relevant flag will make it impossible to send you communications regarding product sales and updates or events. The collected data is processed electronically by authorized Supertronic personnel and it is protected against illicit or unauthorized access, theft, loss, or destruction by adequate security measures compliant with the regulations in force, up until the time of its elimination. The data is stored in the website management database and in network folders located in the Milano Retelit data centre and the Google data centre that provides the G Suite service. Your personal data acquired through compilation of the electronic form indicated above will be erased whenever you request the same by writing to the e-mail address privacy@supertronic.it, or to the street address provided below. Your data may be erased before expressly requested by you when the obligatory legal time limit for conservation of said data expires. As provided for in Art. 13 of the GDPR (EU) 2016/679, you are an interested party and entitled to request Supertronic for access to your personal data, rectification or erasure of the same, or to restrict processing of the data. You are likewise entitled to object to the processing of data for which you previously expressed consent, request portability of the same, and submit complaints to the Personal Data Protection Authority. All the rights summarized above can be exercised by writing to the e-mail address: privacy@supertronic.it. We will ensure that you receive a prompt reply. The data controller is SUPERTRONIC at via San Giovanni Battista de la Salle 4, 20132 Milano, Italy; privacy@supertronic.it

Privacy consent *
Marketing consent